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PS 7 annoyance--


Hello, newbie here with a problem in PS 7.0 that's just appeared--not anything major but an annoyance nonetheless.

The first time I try to use one of the filters (Gaussian blur, Noise etc.) that requires me to input values--nothing happens, the filter won't open. I must do a cntrl alt delete (I'm on a PC) find the highlighted file and End Task. Then the filter opens as well as any other.

When I close the PS session and reopen it--same problem again.


Welcome bruno! :)

I would suggest replacing the "preferences file". Doing this, often clears up a lot of buggy things that can go wrong with PS.
To find out how to do this http://www.planetphotoshop.com/PeteBauer78.html

I hope that this helps!
Gotta go with Wendy on this. The pref file is usually the culprit for weird, annoying behavior.

Either delete or give PS the 3-finger salute while starting (ctrl + shift + alt), like in the link Wendy posted.
Thanks folks--- but egads! This fix seems like chopping off the head to cure a headache!

I have Actions upon Actions saved that do everything for me but make my morning coffee--Brushes, sublime as well as ridiculous, etc., will these be lost with the Start PS > cntr alt shift method? Preferences I can reset since my changes are minimal.

As long as you have that stuff saved, should be fine.
Actions in an ATN file...
Brushes in an ABR file...
welcome aboard bruno :righton:
your question of will I loose my styles has prompted me to mention a tidbit that has been mentioned before but is definately worth mentioning again........... I will try to make it simple/clear

create a new folder in my documents.......... name it something like adobe plugins
in this new folder make other new folders eg: brushes, gradients, styles, displacement maps, shapes, textures etc

into each of these folders put all of your downloaded brushes, styles Dmaps, shapes, textures - you get the idea

then when you click on the little arrow to load more shapes, styles, brushes etc click the browse button and find your folders that you have just made then select the style etc you want and click load........ if it helps I have just done a quick image to show you
this way you will always have all the styles etc that you have either created yourself or downloaded in a safe place :}
Renaming or deleting the PS prefs file won't effect anything that's been saved... as Stroker mentioned.

I would be curious to know just what file it is you're having to Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of... that makes the filters then work...? Is it a PS file or someother file like an app/TSR program?

That would be my first option to check into. This other file/app might be the real issue.
Again--thanks to everyone who responded to my query--special thanks for the detailed roadmap on how to get this fix done, much appreciated, will get to it this weekend.

As for when this happens--it varies, but it's always in a Photoshop file (rather than a plug-in, Action, Brush that I've added on) that requires me to input values--such as Gaussian Blur, Noise, Curves, Saturation etc--

Yes, I want to stress out something: it's not because you recorded an action that it has been saved! Any new preset you made, would it be a gradient, a new brush tip, an action, etc... has to be MANUALLY saved using the small arrow in all the presets windows arrow...
PS 7 annoyance fixed!

A corrupt Norton Antivirus file was the culprit! In addition to the problem in PS, other programs began to get buggy so I open NAV to scan for a virus and saw that it was corrupted--giving me a false message about updates.

I uninstalled NAV, rebooted, and opened some of the programs that had become buggy--problems were gone. I opened PS 7 and it ran like new--no stalls or locks--problem solved!

Thanks to everyone who offered tips on fixing the Preferences file--I've saved them for any future problems.

hey tell me Bruno...... did you reinstall Norton again?
We had a computer that kept on coming back and forth for a week... although I like Norton and would use nothing else his system for some reason will not run with Norton on so he has to buy another antivirus program.
No--I'm not going to reinstall Norton--I picked up a freebee from the Net--AVG antivirus--and it seems OK.

I 've been using AVG for 4 years now... never had one single problem or conflicts with other programs. It doesn't use a lot of resources and it's incredible stable; didn't crash once.

Norton...mmm... just Symantec software in general, try to avoid it.
Do you know what one of the first questions is of a computer specialists (being one myself) if you have a software problem on your computer..."Do you have the Norton virus scanner installed"... I'm serious.

The problem with Norton...if you install it, it acts like weed... you'll find it everywhere on your drive and in your registry.

Some are lucky not to experience any problems, but that all depends on what other software is installed.

You made a good decision bruno :righton:
