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Problem with wrinkles and highlights


Probably everybody had this type of a problem when a portrait photo of a smiling person was taken in bright light and the wrinkles outside of the eyes are just spoiling the image. Haw can this be fixed? Attaching an example :)
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Probably everybody had this type of a problem when a portrait photo of a smiling person was taken in bright light and the wrinkles outside of the eyes are just spoiling the image. Haw can this be fixed? Attaching an example :)

your smiley image doesn't help LOL
I attached a 44kb .zip file but looks like it's not going through. Tells me something about DNS error and page cannot be displayed when uploading.
this may sound crazy but can you add a texturizer, perhaps very little of inverted sandstone in selected areas? That may remove some of the lines, It could be very tricky.
try the smudge tool at a very small radius and set the mode to lighten, i just tried it and it looked good but time consuming
are you looking for somthing like this?

Still to much of this wrinkle highlights KRF. iDad's idea about using smudging in lighten mode got me to using the clone tool in low opacity in Darker Colour mode and then the Healing brush in Darker mode on top of that. Much better result keeping some of the texture. Not perfect but pretty good and not eye popping. Thanks
Cool, it's good you got it sorted, well better than it was, any more help just ask us all and we'll try our best :)
