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Problem with the new remove tool


I'm having problems with my remove tool, For example, if I use AI expand, And there's something in there I want to remove I will combine the layers And try to remove it with my remove tool. What often happens is it's replaced With the color gray, black., or multiple colors! In this example, it was black When I tried to remove the eyes. Designer (88) copy.jpg
Hello and welcome to the forum. Were you trying to remove the eyes or replace the eyes?

If your were trying to remove the eyes, you succeeded! If you were trying to replace the eyes with AI, then it did not work.
Hello and welcome to the forum. Were you trying to remove the eyes or replace the eyes?

If your were trying to remove the eyes, you succeeded! If you were trying to replace the eyes with AI, then it did not work.
that may have been a bad example this is better. I tried to remove the wagon wheel on the left and this is what showed up

Designer (88) copy.jpg
I tried to remove the wagon wheel on the left and this is what showed up
Make a selection
Screen Shot 2024-08-29 at 3.27.20 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-29 at 3.27.31 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-29 at 3.27.45 PM.png

As this pertains to the Remove Tool, you will have to explain in exact detail as to every step you are taking in order for us to understand what you may be doing wrong.
I'll admit this is more than a little confusing, although when I click on the. Rectangular marquee tool and go to fill and put it on content aware. It works just fine. But when I Use the ai. remove tool. when I go up to the fill box. content aware is grayed out.
Again, it would help if you went through step by step how you are using the Remove Tool, maybe we can offer some help.
I'm not sure what to say. I open a photo, I see something on I don't like. I use the remove tool, and it leaves a gray, black or multi colored spot where I use the tool.
I appreciate that I'm a photoshop user for 10 years or more. And more. And when this tool first came out, it worked like a charm. And for some reason it has changed. And I'm just trying to figure out why. Thank you.
And for some reason it has changed.
I can appreciate your frustration but it's hard to offer help without further details. Have you reset the tool? Have you reset Ps prefs? Have you uninstalled and reinstalled Ps?

I can appreciate your frustration but it's hard to offer help without further details. Have you reset the tool? Have you reset Ps prefs? Have you uninstalled and reinstalled Ps?
I uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop. And the problem was still there. I would open up a photo. click on one small area to remove. And I would get the same gray or black. The same size as the remove tool. Then I realized. that the Remove area text box was not popping up. Showing the progression. I'm at a loss for what was happening. Some sort of anomaly but the remove area text box Is now popping up and everything seems to be working fine. Thank you for your patience. I appreciate your help and I. hope this problem never comes back. (Whatever it was.)
I can appreciate your frustration but it's hard to offer help without further details. Have you reset the tool? Have you reset Ps prefs? Have you uninstalled and reinstalled Ps?
Well, I think I figured it out. In the image processing part of preferences I changed the "remove tool" processing to faster. I moved it back to more stable and everything seems to be working fine now. Thank you for all your help.
