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Problem with selectable text in pdf


New Member
Hey all - I'm fairly a newbie and am having a big problem. I create something in .psd and have text elements. I am attempting to then save as .pdf but when I do, I lose selectable text. Can anyone please help direct me on how to make this work? A huge thank you in advance.
If you're creating the PDF with photoshop I don't think it's possible to have selectable text.

If you have Adobe PDF maker (I think that's the name - it's been a while since I installed it) it automatically places a button on your toolbar in Microsoft Word and you can click that to make a word document into a PDF, and any text you have typed there should be selectable when in PDF format.


What do you mean by that?

I think text you are able to highlight.
If you're creating the PDF with photoshop I don't think it's possible to have selectable text.

Actually that's not true, not only should you be able to select the text of the PDF, you should even be able to search for text in the PDF file with Acrobat Reader.

Needless to say that the text has to be on a text layer in Photoshop and personally I don't think that's the case with Eroc (or he's using an older version of Photoshop).
