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Problem with placing text along a path


New Member
Hoping that someone can help me with this problem I have been experencing as it is one that I keep running into when using Photoshop CS5.

I create a curved path with the pen tool but when I click on it with the type tool a little circle is also created on the path and that circle is the limit to which I can type to. It prevents me from typing fully along the path - i can only type up to the circle.

I've hi-lighted the circle in this screen grab. I hope you can see it.


For example here I would like to type "text on a path" but the circle prevents me typing anymore words once the letters "text" have reached the circle whereupon an X appears in the circle and I am unable to continue adding text characters to the designated path.

I keep getting this problem on any curved paths I make.

I'm probably making a very basic error. Can anyone suggest a solution?
