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Problem with fill command


New Member

I've scanned a linedrawing in bitmap which I converted to CMYK for further use. After touching things up I made a selection of the lines with select color range and expanded it by 1 pixel. Now I want to fill it with black. Only when I use the paintbucket or alt+backspace with the foreground color set to black photoshop creates a fill with a grey border (which is actually a bit outside the selection as well. Can anyone help me with advice how to get rid of this problem?

I already tried without anti-aliasing and purging my preferences. When I create a shape and fill it there's no problem. I'm really at a loss here and would appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm using Photoshop CS2 for windows
Sounds to me like you've got some areas outside the lines selected that you don't intend on having selected. Good chance there are stray pixels around the lines from the scan that are being selected that you just aren't seeing and they're being filled in with a semi-transparent black... which appears gray.

Try making your selections by hand using something like the pen tool and see if that works, or do your initial inking before the scan to make the lines darker for the selection to pick up.

Welcome to PSG. :)
Welcome to PsG

Is antialiasing on in the option bar of the selection tool?
If you used the magic wand, make sure that the eyedropper tool is set to 1pixel only, or it could influe on the sensivity of the Magic Wand!

To tighten your selections, switch to quick mask mode, and use levels, and bring the black and white sliders towards the centre.
Thanks everyone, I just had a little break from designing, but today I'm going to try out your suggestions.
