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Problem with export and processing


Hello i am quiet new to PS. Today i made simple collage from 3 photos. I clicked new and set size to A1 format with 300 DPI and 8 bit colors. Then i used 3 high resolution photos to make a collage in A1 format. Each photo i used was JPEG and had around 3 MB. When i was done with it i tried to export it as a JPG. Its already been about 1 hour and it is still procesing the picture! Why does it take so long? what have i done wrong? Quality was set to 100% Image size when procesing is 8376x11859 px , Scale: 47% nad Resample: Bicubic....any help please?
Hi Belobog and Welcome to PSG

Just as a test I tried one with the same settings that you mention and mine took a couple of seconds to process, that been said I have extremely fast high spec system.
It would be helpful if you provided more info about your system Specs, OS and version of PS
Just a thought but have checked this setting to make sure it's set to JPG the default is PNG


What happens if you try do a SaveAs and select JPEG as the "Save as type"
Thank you for your response. I use 2015.0.0 version. My specs: i5 6600K, 16 GB DDR4 and graphic card is GTX980Ti. This is how it looks when procesing......maybe the image iss way too big? Or some settings needs to change? Bez názvu.jpg


  • Bez názvu.jpg
    Bez názvu.jpg
    802.6 KB · Views: 3
First thing I would suggest is updating Photoshop, the latest version is Adobe Photoshop Version: 2015.1.2
Nothing wrong with your system specs and you shouldn't have any issue processes something like that!
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Well this is not very helpful. Thank you but i am pretty sure this is not the problem. I tried to export any other pictures, different formats aand so on and everything is workig well. Everything is working fine. This is very large format thats why i think its taking ages. I thought you might help me to change some settings so its still gonna be in good prinitng quality but not so time cnsuming. I know people that still use older versions and no one has any troubles. So if you can think of somethink that might be the problem i would be very thanksful :) If not i will try to ask somebody else. ;) thank you anyway
i know i shouldnt have any problem but it does it only on this one! i dotn know why :/

Well if you had of mentioned that in the first place, we certainly could have narrowed it down!
As I mentioned of my system with the same PSD size it only took a couple of seconds with 3 * 5MB images
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What does Task Manager say is going on when this happens? eg, how much memory is being used? How busy is your CPU? On what processes? Is your system doing a lot of I/o? To what drives? Any unexpected processes running? etc etc.

Tom M
Well good point.... I was surprised that PS is using extremely much memmory for some reason......i dont know why. I mean for sure i can close it and open again but i dont want to losse this project because it has exact atributes i need it to have and setting it up again takes too much for me. Any suggestions? Bez názvu.jpgBez názvu 2.jpg
I tried to use ''Save as'' aand it said it couldnt save a file because it is exceeding 2.00 GB ! How is it possible ? For sure i need to just change some settings? I was enlarging this original photos to fit A1 format page. Is there possibility that enl;arging this and saving the original quality is taking too much space? I dont know whaat to do :/
"Thank you but i am pretty sure this is not the problem"

You should really update to the latest version as I mentioned, a lot of bugs were fixed!! is there any particular reason why you don't want to update?

.PSD has a limitation of 2GB, you'll need to save it as a .PSB
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I tried to usse ''Save as'' but it wont let me because it said that photo is bigger than 2.00 GB!!! How is this possible? please help somebody
The reason why i wont update is that this has to be finished in an hour so i can send it to my friend who is desperately waiting for it and my internet connection is about 1.2 mbit at the momennt. I dont want to save it as PSB. I needd this image to be JPG and max sizze lest say of 15 MB. I dont want this image to be 2 GB or anything big like this. I just need it to be best quality possible for printing on A1 format and as small in MB as possible
and the other reason is i would have to close PS and do it aagain after update. I dont want to lose anything that i have done with it because it is taking me too long to do everything again.....and i dont have time....i need to finish it ASAP so i can send it to him
Have you tried flattening the layers? select all the layers and right click and select Flatten Image and try and SaveAs JPEG after saving you can revert back with the History Panel so you won't lose the layers


Also read through this
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I have tried this and it finally worked! Thanx a lot it has 200 MB now som its cool......what is not cool though i was late to send that to my ffriend .....he needed it ASAP but i couldnt send it in time......anyway huge thanx to everyone :)
I don't think you're going to be able to send a 200MB file over the Internet, you may want to upload to something like DropBox and then send your friend a link to download it
Anyway glad you finally got it sorted :thumbsup:

P.S. the more info you supply the quicker we can help
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yes thats exactly how i wanted to send this photo...using cloud. Anyway next time, if i will need help, i will try to be more specific from the beggining :D
