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Illustrator Problem when saving .eps


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I created a vector and I wanna save it as an EPS file. My fonts were turned to outlines ofcourse.
So here what I did.
File>save as>eps and the option "embed fonts for..." was checked(don't know if matters)
My problem is that when I open the EPS file and going Window>link all the letters appear to be linked(rastered) which I don't want this.
I need my design to be just vector and nothing else.
I would be greatful if you can make it clear why this is happening and what to do in order to avoid it in the future.
Thank you.

Today I realized that links are created only when I save the EPS file in previous version than CS6 that I'm working on.
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Finally I realized what was my problem. Every Effect>Stylize>... is creating raster when saved or link. So the result is not a full vector object. A simple solution is to remove those effects and the problem is solved, but I wonder if there's another way to keep both effects and full vector characteristics to an object?
If you work on Adobe Illustrator then you can save your file in .A, then choose File->Save As and choose the Illustrator EPS (.EPS) file format in the Save As dialog box from the drop down to produce a .eps file.
