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Problem opening PSD files across different computers


New Member
I am designing web pages in Illustrator (CS1) and exporting the files as a PSD with layers. I then open the files in Photoshop (CS1) on my computer, play around with the layers (cleaning them up) and re-save it (Save, not Save As). When I send to the developer (who works on a PC) he can't open the file. He is using CS4 version 11 (cracked version with serial code).

At first I thought it was the issue of exporting from Illustrator to Photoshop but I've tried sending a basic (new) file created in Photoshop with a few simple elements and text and the same thing happens.

I've also tried sending to a friend who who uses CS4 on a PC and he could open it. He then re-saved it and sent it back and the developer could open the file.

This issue has only come up in the last few days. The developer has received Photoshop files from me before that have worked (created in Photoshop). The only things changed with CS on my computer was the installation of a favicon plug-in that has now been removed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
