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Printing: Photoshop vs Paint


New Member

I don't manage to print an image larger than one A4 in Photoshop. Been searching for the settings for a while but cannot find them. That's why I usually print my images in Paint now :P

Lately however, I have been experiencing troubles with this too. When I print an image in Photoshop, it has the exact size the ruler's showing. When I then copy/paste the image in Paint, it becomes smaller than the original..

Can anyone help me with one of these problems? I would prefer to print in Photoshop, but it would help me as well when the Paint-mystery gets solved!

Thanks a lot!
I know you can set the size of the page in photoshop when you go file > new, so if you know the height/width value of, say, an A3 piece of paper you could set the size that way, and then just drag and drop from a seperate canvas. There's probably a better way but as a work-around I've found that one to work fairly nicely
