In PS CS4 Mac, I used to be able to print the full document info that appears in the title bar, including the currently selected layer/group. This would print at the top of my document and might look like:
File Name.psd 100% (layer name, RGB/8)
I always thought this was a function of selecting "Label" in the Output window of the print dialogue box. However, it does not seem to be working anymore, and now it simply prints the file name, like this:
File Name.psd
How can I turn this feature back on so that I get the entire document window? Or another method to accomplish something similar? I am printing individual layers from a single document and having them automatically "labeled" is helpful.
Mac OS 10.6.8
File Name.psd 100% (layer name, RGB/8)
I always thought this was a function of selecting "Label" in the Output window of the print dialogue box. However, it does not seem to be working anymore, and now it simply prints the file name, like this:
File Name.psd
How can I turn this feature back on so that I get the entire document window? Or another method to accomplish something similar? I am printing individual layers from a single document and having them automatically "labeled" is helpful.
Mac OS 10.6.8