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Print Button Greyed Out PS CS3


New Member

I have a large pdf: 118inches X 36inches

I am trying to print this to my work plotter.

The print button is greyed out.

I tried making the canvas the same size, but its still greyed out.

The page set up is not greyed out though

I looked online but I dont see anything that answers this

I am trying to make a large poster that I created using a geological softwar program, exported my results as a pdf
The graphics are intact and it looks nice. Now I want to bring this into photoshop and add some text and other graphics
Any help will be appreciative

Its a large pdf image, its 118 X 36 inches

If i open a smaller image, the print settings are greyed out

And, with the large pdf, i can only save as tif, raw,and .psb(large format size)
I was researching and perhaps the image is too large to print?
Too many pixels?
Bc if it lets me print a small image, and just not this huge one, then im setting it up wrong i assume
Hopefully Im giving more info that can help. I would think that photoshop is made for printing images to plotters but maybe theres a size limit or im doing something totally wrong

thanks for the help, hopefully i gave a better description
Its flat. I didnt add any layers, to it, and to make sure I just right clicked on the pdf and selected flatten image. And after that the print buttons are still greyed out
Does PS have a size limit? I wouldnt think, as long as my plotter can plot it, but I dont know what else could be wrong. I might try cropping off huge sections to see if i reach a size where its not greyed out
Id say I would do all of my PS work, then save as, pdf, but it only lets me save as tif, and its a huge image.
Thanks for the help
I just cropped the pdf to different sizes in PS. I reached a size where the print buttons were not greyed out. I didnt get exact about it, but just cropped some, stayed greyed out. Cropped some more, not greyed out
Does photoshop really have a size limit, or pixel limit or something? That would seem really strange to me; its a image processing/graphics editing software. So if the image is just a pdf, and i open it in with acrobat i can print it, but if i want to add stuff to it, than print it in ps, it wont let me
Any thoughts? I assume this is just how it is. I can try saving as tif than trying to print that, or converting back to pdf,

thanks for the help
