Hi Mike -
Images like the first pair that you posted suffer from what amounts to completely uncontrolled lighting. They are extremely common with photos not taken by a pro. The photographer of these images picked a nice location and orientation, but didn't do anything to modify the light at that position. For example, the photographer could have used a scrim over the subject to soften the incident light, reflectors in front of the subject to fill in the shadows.
In fact, to make the subject brighter than the background, it is common for higher-end pros to use a full multiple flash/strobe setup (eg, a key light, a fill light, light modifiers such as grids, beauty dishes, etc.) even though it is the middle of the day. At minimum, even a simple on-camera fill flash would have helped tremendously. My guess is that not one of these techniques was used by the photographer of the photo you posted.
Keeping the above in mind will give you good direction in terms of simulating these effects in post processing. Specifically, here is a list of the goals I had in mind when I did my tweaked version:
1. In the version of the image that you posted, the background was as bright or brighter than the face of the subject, so the viewer's eyes weren't attracted to the subject. So, my first order of business was to brighten the subject and darken the background.
2. Make the background less noticeable by
- darkening,
- *greatly* reducing the extremes of tonal values as well as the midrange contrast,
- filling in fairly large patches (particularly on the RHS edge) of the frame where the trees were sparse,
- slight blurring of the background
3. Make the subject attract the viewer's eyes by brightening the face, bringing up the deep shadows in the hair, tame the hotspots on her jacket and the top of her hair.
4. In the version originally posted, the subject is looking towards viewer's right, but she is located closer to the (viewer's) right edge of the frame. This is another aspect of the original that distracts viewers. To fix it, I simply cropped away some of the LH edge of the frame.
5. Once the large-scale issues are dealt with, we can turn to smaller scale issues such as harshness and mottling of the subject's skin.
As usual, there are always many ways to work on any of the individual actions / issues mentioned above. Once can do amazing things within ACR, so my approach is almost always to start by bringing the image into ACR no matter if the image is a raw file or a jpg. Once that is done, I will move the image over to PS, and make one or more masks of the various areas of interest in the image. In this case, there were only two areas that needed to be distinguished: subject and background, so I made the mask immediately.
After that I used various PS tools to put final tweaks on the image.
If you are interested, I'll be happy to send you the ACR settings I used, and describe the final tweaks in PS. Let me know.
Best regards,
Tom M