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Pool Water Texture

If you want to create this from scratch, just use the Pen Tool set to shape and combine shapes to create each color layer of water shapes.

This is not complete..........just a quick example to demonstrate.
Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 1.18.54 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 1.19.02 AM.png
It won't look like your example, but you can use filters on real water photos.........

Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 1.41.39 AM.png
I made this using the this tutorial not exactly what i want but..

Not sure you're aiming at the right technique... I mean... Photoshop isn't magic... building it from scratch seems like the wrong way to get that realistic feel. How about using stockshots ? Shooting a pool yourself... heck, even a good 3D app with "caustics" would do a better job then a stack of filters in PS.

Don't get me wrong... I believe "everything is possible", but it feels like a lot of wasted time and energy to try and replicate that...
I made this using the this tutorial not exactly what i want but..
This does not look like water to me. Cool effect, but looks nothing like water.

how can i make this one from start?
Making this from scratch could prove to be very difficult and time consuming in Ps. Like jkemp stated it would be easier in 3D software. Not sure why you would want to do this when there are thousands of stock photos that you can use.

Maybe if you explain why or what you're doing.
not sure if the photo i will take would not look amateurish. I looked for some pool photos on pixabay but could not find what i want. i agree with you at some point sometimes drawing on photoshop would take way rly too much time and energy thou once you complete it looks great.
im trying to make a pool party flyer. paid stock photos are rly nice but free stock photos are not so good.

so i try to draw it myself.
I might get slapped on the hands for suggesting this but... try an image search on Yandex : https://yandex.com/images/search?text=pool caustic&isize=large&from=tabbar

Keep in mind those are not really "royalty-free" stock photos... Might be subject to copyright laws and all... but... I mean... if it's for a little personal pool-party flyer. Make sure it's transformed a bit (some little distort, colour correction, etc.) and it's gonna be considered "fair use".

Now... don't get me wrong here : Be sure not to use copyrighted material for professional jobs though. It's bad. Bad, bad, bad. :D . Pro jobs means budget, which means paid stock. Always.
yes there are some free stock photos on pixabay but i actually want to learn how to draw them myself
want to learn how to draw them myself
I'm not sure what you mean by draw----I assume you mean composite.

In post #6, I've already shown you how you might vector draw the texture in Ps using the Pen Tool. I would also think it would be much easier to draw in Adobe Illustrator. Here is a TUTORIAL

As we have already explained, compositing a specific water effect like you show in post #11, would be much easier with caustics in a 3D program. I'm not saying that it can't be composited in Photoshop, but as I have mentioned, it would be difficult and time consuming.
