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Whats up everybody?

Im farely new to photoshop, and I like to know where I can find all sorts of plug ins at. If anyone could help me I'd highly appreciate it.

Thanx [excited] :righton: 8}
Hi SickMade,

Welcome to the forum from another new member. Your question is a little too vague to find a really concrete answer, I'm afraid. More information is really needed such as what platform you are using, what are you trying to accomplish, and the big one...why are you looking for plugins? You see although there is the whole range of skill levels present in different members of this forum, in general I think that most try to learn first how to accomplish their goals with the tools which are built into Photoshop and prefer that solution to using other third party items.

With that aside there is a good place to start looking for Plugins on the Adobe site...


Then you could always run a search for Photoshop Plugins on Google and come up with more hits than you can imagine. Be sure to specify for Mac if that is your platform for there are a few Mac only filters but many more Window's only, though the major commercial ones are usually written for both.

There are some interesting threads on this forum in the Plugins section as well.

So, if you wish to post back with more information regarding a specific goal, someone here will be able to provide directed assistance.

Welcome to the community SickMade. [excited]

This guy's site is the oldest of its kind, and has the largest know Filter list to modern man: http://showcase.netins.net/web/wolf359/plugins.htm

Just above the master filter list is this link: Open a new window to view FX samples of each Gallery and Collection. Use it to preview the filters.

He has a kazillion or so filters. These are FILTER FACTORY (FF) filters, not plugins like Xenofx or KPT.
