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After Effects Plug-in Instalation issues


New Member
Hey whats up, i installed the Red Giant Psunami Plug in for after effects and dropped it in the same folder as all my other Plug Ins for AE yet when i load AE and look for the Plug its not showing at all, i go and check the folder its supposed to be in and its there yet AE just doesnt seem to pick it up, i dont understand because i also installed Trapcode Shine in the same folder and it picks that up fine.
Can ANYBODY PLEASE HELP! im pullin my hair out over this and Adobe's website offers help for just about EVERYTHING other than what your really after.

>... and Adobe's website offers help for just about EVERYTHING other than what your really after.

I wold skip Adobe for this one and turn to Red Gigant instead: Support

Just for the record, I also installed Trapcode's Particular, Shine and Lux in AECS3 and it works like clockwork.
Sometimes you need to restart Ps to get it to recognize new pluggin, did you try that?
