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Please help with a gift for my mom


New Member
Could someone please help make it easier to see the man's face in the back on the left side of the photo? That's my grandpa watching my mom, the flower girl, walk down the aisle. Unfortunately he passed away before her own wedding day. I would like to surprise my mom with a version where his face can be seen more clearly. Thank you so much!Dad at Marilyn's Wedding.jpg
It's hard to do very much NR without making everything look like plastic, and it's hard to lift the shadows without introducing noise, LOL, but here's my shot at it ....

BTW, I think the exit signs and the overly bright white carpet in the foreground don't contribute anything to the image, not even the canonical "sense of place", so I also included a version in which I cropped those things out. See what you think.

Tom M

PS - Don't forget that to critically evaluate the results, especially issues like noise and sharpness, you have to click on the in-forum previews to view or download them at full rez.


  • Dad_at_Marilyn's_Wedding-tjm01-acr-ps01a-01.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 8
  • Dad_at_Marilyn's_Wedding-tjm01-acr-ps02a_cropped-01.jpg
    1.4 MB · Views: 8
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For me in this case the face has almost no information so its impoisble to make it look good, the best you can do in this case is look for a photo of your grandphater and mother (i asume) of the same period then you can put the faces in this picture.

