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Please help I'm having problems w/ my tables


I'm sure this isn't too big a problem, but I'm just begining to learn web design and I'm having problems with my table cells aligning. I'm sure it's just a matter of a colspan or rowspan not being correct or perhaps photoshop or dreamweaver generated a code that wasn't quite right. Any help would be appreciated...if someone could look at the source and see the problem.

meehoo, i'm not sure where your table is incorrect. [confused] as it is, it looks nice -- maybe you could give us some more details. :righton:
Hey I fixed it...just took going over it with a fine tooth come. Just an issue with colspan being incorrect and it was pushing things around. I know I should work things out on paper, then work locally, then upload a working site. But I just couldn't resist jumping in head first.

Thanks for your willingness to look at the sites begining. :)
Nice clean site Meehoo. I remember you posting that picture. It looks right at home on the page. Good work
after having gone back to the revised site, NOW I see what you were talking about before!! Have to say it does look better this way!! :righton: :D and you are welcome -- always willing to take a look and offer constructive criticism!! 8)) :B
