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please help how to do this


New Member
i am trying to change the background of this to a light colour or want to make the background a bit brighter (Background only) how can i do this , how can i improve this image in photoshop

Can you post a sample of what you have to work with?
You'll probably need to extract the image from its current background or at least mask it out...can't really help you without seeing the type of background it on. Might be able to use the EXTRACT tool and/or Quick mask and/or Pen tool...

obviously, if you're working with your photos, pre-planning your shoots can provide the answer. Setting up the photoshoot with the proper lighting and backdrops will eliminate much of the work. If you're working with photos that contain complex backgrounds then, as lasa said, there are endless methods of extracting these various backgrounds that will range from simple to very difficult. These techniques can be achieved in PS alone and or by using one or more of the myriad of plugins available. There is no action available in PS that will automate the process.
the above is a sample i work with how can i improve this image also how can i just make the background lighter with out the object. i use photoshop cs. i would like to add a similar kind of background as below sample, light pink but cannot seem to do so.

any help would be great

I would think that the best way to extract this would be using the pentool..long flowing lines.
Extracted the dress then added the sample color as the background..gave the dress layer a slight s-curve.
Just ideas,

allen2362 said:
with the contrast in color why not magnetic lasso?

Sure allen2362, you can use ther magnetic lasso tool, but the extraction is not as good as with the pen tool. Ask yourself what's important for you, speed or quality, and then pick the tool that suites your needs.
