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Illustrator Pixelated vectors, need help.


I'm having trouble, I'm currently working on a tutorial from this site
(www.) cutelittlefactory(.com)/tutorials/create-a-tasty-burger-icon-in-illustrator/
and for the instructions when it tells me to use gaussian blur it turns out pixelated. Now I read online that it might be the quality of the image or something like that and they said it's okay after you save it but when I preview it, it's still pixelated. Can someone explain to me how to fix this please?
I agree with inkz, a sample of what you're speaking of is going to help, it's all a guessing game without seeing the problem.
Please post an image.
Screen shot 2013-04-26 at 9.59.43 PM.png So the blur at the bottom right is supposed to be kind of like a highlight for the bun to make it look more realistic and I applied gaussian blur to it and it gives a slight pixelated look. So I was wondering how to make it smooth I guess?
Since the bun is a stylized cartoon, your current shadow is not fitting. I would suggest going to layer effects, "fx" at the bottom of the layers panel, and adding a drop shadow. Use the distance slider to get it positioned right. You want sharp edges for the object's shadow in this case. IMO.

I am not sure why you have it situated so far from the object. It looks disconnected. Your light source is from the right, but I still don't see the shadow being projected that distance from the burger.
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Oh I had that on the far right just to show how pixelated it looks. Disregard everything else, I was wondering how do I fix the pixelation because for some reason every time I apply gaussian blur, whatever I'm applying it to gets very pixelated.
OK, well you expect pixellation when you apply a blur because the entire object is being blurred which involves the displacement of pixels. In your example, it appears you have applied a lot of blur. Much more and you won't even have a sphere, lol. I guess my question is, what are you trying to achieve?
Do you have Topaz filters? Masked this with Quickmask in PS then used Topaz, Clean 3, Flat style.
Screen shot 2013-04-26 at 9.59.43 PM (1).png
The reason it looks pixelated is because you are looking at an image at 800% magnification.

The reason you have to use such high magnification is because you set up the illustration at the wrong scale. If you turn on the rulers, you will see that the objects are tiny, extending only several tens of pixels in width and height.

You might correctly ask, if this is so, then why is the bun not pixelated, whereas the blur is pixelated.

The reason is because many types of objects (hard edged lines and shapes based on straight lines, splines, gradient fills, etc.) in AI are expressed in terms of equations and can be rendered for display perfectly at any resolution. However, other types of objects such as the soft-edged results of a blurring operation have to be rendered as a bitmap when they are generated.

Normally, such renderings look perfectly fine because they are hundreds, if not thousands of pixels in width and height, so you don't see the pixelation. However, if you set up the file with ppi and art board / canvas size settings that are inappropriate, you will see the difference between the two types of objects in AI. This is what you have run into.

Change your ppi and /or the size of your artboard to appropriate dimensions, scale up the graphics appropriately, and you will be fine. Then, there will be no need to use after-the-fact bandaids (eg, blurring) or other such solutions.


Tom M
OK, Vckiwho, you got me: What does *0* mean? I've never seen it. I looked in about a half-dozen on-line emoticon dictionaries and didn't find it listed anywhere!

Tom M
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