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Photoshop will not save to jpeg..just STOPPED working...


New Member
Thanks in advance for any insight. This has happened once on my work laptop with Photoshop 7 and now with my home computer and Photoshop CS4. Everthing works perfectly, then when I go to save my image as a jpeg, I find out that it was not saved. AND HERE'S the kicker... All of my options "file, edit, image, layer, etc..) and their respective drop downs are all grey'd out. In other words, they are no longer an option. I can open photoshop, open a picture, manipulate it, filters, the whole works, and even save as another file format. But if a I save as a jpeg, it's all over. I have to close the application through Task Manager.

I have racked my brain trying to figure what happened, and the ONLY Thing that comes to mind is an update through Firefox. My Firefox browser updated the morning my CS4 went bonkers. Has anyone heard of firefox messing with Photoshop?

Thanks for any insight...
