I hope you take my request seriously. ( first of all pardon my english, i'm foreigner) . I want to declare my love for a girl, and thought of this crazy way to do it, but my skills in photoshop are nonexisting. If you can help me , i would be forever gratefull. There are 2 pictures i want to obtain. First...start with picture1-0 and add a butterfly or more from picture1-1 in the stomach area, wich is aproximately middle area, just below the ribs. if you can add 2-3 small butterflys that would be great, because i want to start my declaration by saying to the girl that i getbutterflies in my stomach when i see her. Next you start with Picture2-0 and add picture2-1, and place the heart in the heart area of the body, aproximately middle picture slightely to the right, and please if you can minimize it so it would look more realistic(altough i know that's not a real human heart). I want to tell the girl the only cure for butterflies in my stomach(wich if untreated could be deadly) is for her the have my heart, and i will give her the picture. I hope she reacts well, because we are meant for eachother. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, can't wait to hear from you