Cause making everything is sometimes a bother.
Matt, sorry if this is harsh what the heck is the point in you having photoshop if you are just going to be lazy about it and fob off other peoples work? for god's sake! quit acting like the world is going to feed everything you want to you on a plate and do it yourself!
I spent 8 hours yesterday on a fraction of a game texture and it, number 1 still isn't finished, and number 2 still doesn't look right.
it would flipping kill me if someone like came in when it was completed and asked me "can i use this in my album and take the credit for it, and use it for people who want something similar? because it's such a bother doing things like this" can you imagine how people feel getting their work stolen by a lazy person who cannot be bothered?
It's happened to me, and it has happened SEVERAL times to Hoogle and paul over the past few months and it is bang out of order!
The more you learn how to use photoshop the less of a "bother" these things will become to you as you will get faster and better.
but asking everyone else to do it or ripping someone off is not learning so open photoshop, find a few tutorials that will take the day to complete and WORK FOR IT! instead of being lazy.
If you cannot be bothered, uninstall photoshop and continue to not be bothered, simple as that, so quit being so unappreciative of the time that goes into the work people do!
Moving on:
They are really cool pictures keep it up! i would say that the first one's text could do with a change in colour, and there probably needs to be a shadow underneath, you? is it? but the other ones are super cool!