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Photoshop newbie

Hi Marty and welcome to the forum. We'll bear with you if you can bear us! :thumbsup:
Hey Marty, I'm brand new to the forums too but I've been tinkering around with Photoshop for about 10 years. Definitely would not consider myself a pro but I can probably help you out if you get stuck. Feel free to PM whenever!
Welcome both of you, no need for pm's all can be gained via the boards and our excellent member base, enjoy your stays here.
Paul, I can sense the sanity just pouring out of you between your avi and your sig.. haha. Yes, we'll keep it all in the broad of daylight. Lest the guard think we're conspiring...
To elaborate on what Paul said, if a question is asked and answered by PM, only one person learns. If it is asked and answered via a public discussion on one of our forums, a much larger number of people might immediately benefit, but in addition, the discussion topic gets indexed by the big search engines and so anyone in the future who looks up the topic can find it.

In addition, we have specific rules requiring at least one public posting when responding to requests for fee-for-service jobs.

Again, following what Paul said, welcome to both of you!


Thanks for the welcome

Well this isn't going well. Every time I run Photoshop CC14 it crashes after a couple of minutes . No error messages of any use, just get the standard windows errors. "A problem caused the program to stop working......windows close...notify you if a solution is found. Not very helpful.

I have in installed, cleaned the registry, rebooted and reinstalled, but no joy.

Running an AMD A6 3000mhz, Radeon HD video card, win 7 Home Premium 64 bit 6GB ram

Event log reports aticaldd64.DLL is the faulty model but Photoshop.exe is the programming the crashes....if that helps

Anyone got any ideas?
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Hi Marty - Unfortunately, problems like you are having can be difficult to diagnose remotely. That being said, can you give us a bunch of background information such as:

1. Did this happen on any previous versions of PS?

2. Is it happening on both the 32 and 64 bit versions of PS 2014?

3. Anything odd going on with other programs on that machine?

4. How much memory did you allocate for PS? Do you have plenty of room for swap files, etc. on your HD? etc.

5. Have you updated the driver for your video card?

6. If you do a search on "photoshop crash aticaldd64.DLL", you'll see a lot of other discussions of similar problems. Have you read through these? Several of these threads also suggested updating your video driver and it worked for the OP's in those threads.



Your pointer of googling the DLL file name came up trumps (eventually). The DLL was corrupt or out of date and the only way of fixing it was to download the beta drivers for the graphics card. This is complicated as the ATI website is no longer active - eventually transpires that AMD now own ATI and I got the drivers from their website.

Result is 45 Minutes of playing with Photoshop and a happy Marty
Hey, Marty - That's great news! Unfortunately, if the video driver hadn't been the problem, there would have been some long diagnostic sessions in store for us, or else biting the bullet and executing the (almost) guaranteed-to-fix-all, but royal PITA solution of reinstalling the OS and everything else. At least that would have excluded some recent invisible change to your system (eg, virus, hardware failure, power glitch, etc.) being the culprit.

This is one reason why I, and most people who do a lot of this sort of thing, have their OS and all apps on one drive, all their data on other drives, and keep off-site rotating periodic images of their OS+apps drive of when it is working well. That way, it's not a big deal to revert the system back to a good state.

Again, glad to have pointed you in a helpful direction.

Anyway, now that you have PS working again, hang out, post some images, and chat.


