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Photoshop Grandma


New Member
I've been using Photoshop since it came on the market. I'm a professional graphic designer and calligrapher with lots of original images which I market on my website.
I also teach high school digital photography and Graphic Design, so I get my fill of Photoshop fun all day. Glad to be a part of this creative community.
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WOW, great to have ya JackieO. We are just a big - O - Happy family of Photoshoppers help'n out as we can. I hope to learn a few good tricks from you. Welcome
Hi Jackieo Welcome to Photoshop Gurus.
Take a minute to read our site rules:

From the site rules:
Posting Links or Promoting Your Own Site
Photoshop Gurus is a not place for people promoting their site without seriously contributing to the forum. Please make at least 8 posts before you post any links to other websites.

Any post in someone's first 8 posts on this forum that contains a link to another site will from now on be considered spam. This includes links in signatures.

The link will be removed with an explanation of the administrator. The administrator will also remove links that are considered spam, even if the poster has more than 8 posts.

PSG doesn't prefer strict rules, but when it comes to spam we have no other choice.
Thank you for your understanding.
Welcome to the forum, Jackieo.

I haven't built my Photoshop website yet. I feel so obliged to come up with some stunning sample images, it's given me wicked Photoshopper's block.
