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Photoshop EPS

Diver Dan

New Member
I'm resizing some illustrations which are EPSs and saving again as an EPS. Some show up as EPSs in my new folder and some show up with a different icon. If I try to place them in InDesign, they don't appear in the folder unless I select "all files". When I try to open them up again in Photoshop (PS), it says it's not the right kind of file. The settings are the same when I save as an EPS in PS. Any ideas, anyone? Thnaks.
When you try to open an encapsulated postscipt file in Photoshop you are at first presented with a dialog box that asks you what dimensions you want to open the file as. Choose the size you want and the file will open.

An eps file contains vector information and has first to be rasterized at a certain size before Photoshop can open it.

You can open the file natively in programs like Adobe Illustrator.
