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Photoshop Elements


New Member
Can I ask a question about PhotoshopElements? I just bought PE6 and being a dummie I had to buy a book to help me use it. I cannot figure out how to import photos that I have scanned with my Nikon Coolscan V. Every time I try, I am told the file is too large.
what file format are you scanning to? If it's .tif then it may be too big if you're using a high dpi. Your scanner can handle a 4000 dpi resolution, see if that's the default setting and if so, change it to 300 and then work your way up. If you can scan to .jpg that will produce a smaller file size as well If you are using the image for the internet or for websites then 72dpi will work fine. The difference between 72 and 300 is visually almost unnoticeable.
