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Photoshop CS4 Workspace centering


I am using Adobe Photoshop CS4. By default, my workspace (The space where my files open up) is at a horizontal position on the ruler (after I turn the rulers on) at 0, but there is about 450 pixels space before the zero position. With the vertical spacing, the space above zero is only about 50 pixels.

Can somebody tell me how to reduce this 450 pixels horizontal margin space so that my workspace can move to the left a bit? My layers, history, and other palettes occupy a little of my workspace, and hence I can not view the entire workspace, while I have empty space to the left of the workspace and after the default toolkit.

Ideally, I would like to move my workspace about 200 pixels left, so the zero of the horizontal ruler starts at where my negative 200 now sits on my screen. I illustrate it in the following picture.

Check illustration here.
I still could not figure out exactly how to move the workspace by a given measurement on the ruler, but I found a work around to have my workspace more to the left so that the toolbars do not fall over it.

Window > Workspace > Essentials (Default)

Now, I found that the workspace is centered between the tools on the left and the other tool windows on the right. Now, I displayed the tool windows that I use most from Window tab, unchecked the ones I do not use, and then did

Window > Workspace > Save Workspace

Now on, the workspace would be exactly as I like it to be.

Fghi373, if Planet Earth is to be deweeded and beautified, you would be the FIRST chosen one OUT.
