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Photoshop CS2 - Could not initialize Photoshop because a required text resources file


New Member
Hello everyone, I am knew to the community. I hope you are able to help me with a problem I am having in Photoshop CS2. I have had CS2 for over 2 years and have never had this problem. I am not able to open Photoshop CS2. I am getting a message that reads "Could not initialize Photoshop because a required resources text file is missing. It goes through a series of " could not load default contours, styles, custom shaphes because the file could not be found" before getting to the "initialize" window. Thanks for whatever help you can give.

Hi - I have exactly the same messages appearing on Photoshop. I did a major clean of my computer and the next day got these messages when trying to log into Photoshop. Any luck finding an answer?
I'm not sure if you guys are still having this problem, but given the fact that I had it yesterday,... even if you've already fixed the issue, someone else could benefit. :)
I uninstalled, reinstalled, clean uninstalled, reinstalled... Nothing helped. Same error. I had been clicking a link that was in my "quick launch" on my taskbar, and getting this error, everytime it loaded. I was frustrated, and desperate for it to just WORK, so I clicked one of the CS2 icons within the adobe CS2 program folder, instead. Bingo. All of that because of a crappy shortcut. I'm not sure if this will solve anyone else's error issues, but I sincerely hope it does, its so annoying. Haha.
