solar1 said:
reading fonts other thinks and when comes to tool preferences it stops.
So you see the flash screen, you see the text "tool preferences" inside it and then it just sits there?
solar1 said:
Again, it just sits there? When it hangs, what is the
exact message of the part Photoshop is processing? This is very important if you want to find a solution by using search engines or by searching Google groups.
Personally I think it's related to your video card and/or driver.
solar1 said:
So it work for once or twice and now I can't run it.
You must have done something after you started Photoshop successfully, things normally don't go wrong by themselves (there are exceptions).
solar1 said:
I remember that I had same problem with Illustrator cs some months ago so I had to use the older one too.I think it was version 10. Generally is problem with cs versions.
Exactly the same problem or kinda? Again, this makes me doubt the video card/driver. Mind you, with video cards it is possible to have erratic behavior, like working 4 times in a row and then failing halfway and then working again the next day. That?s one of the reasons why Microsoft simplified the driver model in Vista to avoid these kinds of problems as much as possible.
If it's possible try an updated driver or test with a different card that you borrow, doesn't have to be a fancy one. Problem solving is all about elimination.
Start with the basics, the foundation, which is the hardware, test it, make sure it works, check the OS, test it, check logs, make sure it works and continue your way up. If you start a random guessing game you risk working on a problem for days if not weeks.