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3D Photoshop and Special Effects


New Member
Hi everyone, i am ( or think i am) a 3d artist using mainly Cinema 4D realFlow terragen and max. I have recently set up a site to discuss and share tips on creating special effects in 3d apps


Now i have a basic understanding of simple PS techniques but there is so much about PS that i really am not clued up on. PS is really a universal app for most 3d artists being used for many tasks from textures to backdrops, filters etc

I was hoping that some of you may be "into" SFX and could possibly spare some time to pop over to the new site, say hello and perhaps add some of you knowledge

I can host video tutorials, static tutorials and welcome links and the sharing of files

I do hope a few of you could manage to help us out with your skill-sets

Thanks a lot
I'm actually doing a course in SFX at London Southbank and PS is tought as part of the course. I'm pretty good on photoshop (http://techytez.deviantart.com) and I'm teaching myself Maya, however we're using 3DS Max at uni and I'm a complete newbe on it :S I looked at the site, but you dont have any tutorials on it
my friends always makes it a point to visit tutorialized.com
its cool... because they gave out tips on how to enhance ur pictures...
Hi Twilight101,

I looked at the site tutorialized.com. Its really showing step by step procedure to practice on it. Thanks for your information
