Wondering of you experts can offer any advice on my use of the AUTOMATE - PHOTOMERGE efforts to create a panoramic with various screen caps of a car jump.
I think its pure chance i got this result on my first attempt, But subsequent efforts have all gone wrong, usually ending up like the lower image, Im certain I must have changed some settings or something. Im not expecting perfection, these are simple screen grabs, but since that first "fluke" I havent been able to reproduce it.
Im using Photoshop 21, I then select Automate,Photomerge,select images then let Photshop do the rest. below are screen grabs of what usually happens.....:-(
Any assistance or guidence would be very much appreciated,

I think its pure chance i got this result on my first attempt, But subsequent efforts have all gone wrong, usually ending up like the lower image, Im certain I must have changed some settings or something. Im not expecting perfection, these are simple screen grabs, but since that first "fluke" I havent been able to reproduce it.
Im using Photoshop 21, I then select Automate,Photomerge,select images then let Photshop do the rest. below are screen grabs of what usually happens.....:-(
Any assistance or guidence would be very much appreciated,