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Photochop Noob from Australia


Active Member
Hi guy's

My names Nate, I only recently got into photoshop after purchasing Elements 10, so I could chop things for my car.

Hoping to learn a lot of info from the forum

Thanks :pimp:
G'day mate, enjoy your stay - now get chopping and let us have a look see.
omg did you realy had to mention that dv8 looool:shocked: looks like the Lizad got a new friend "rawrrrrr".

But hey, welcome to the forum :)
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Ok, I made it to 5 posts.

Here is the original side pic of my car before any attempt at editing

Then I lowered it a little

Next I wanted to make it black, this is my first attempt at black

Then I had another crack at black, changed the colour of the calipers and I really wanted to make the wheels white but I couldn't get it to work

So I chopped some white wheels into the pic, but I still want to see mine white if anyone can help.

And here is just an enhanced pic of a friends car

What do you think?
Sweet, thanks Paul

That's what I was trying to do :) it was getting quit frustrating. I managed to get the sky like your edit but the wall was killing me.
Maybe drop the tone a little on the paint, or have you tried using a plug in from Topaz. You will get excellent effects from that i can assure you mate.
Try the 30 day trial at Topaz Labs - Downloads
I'll give it go,

I've been trying to add vinyl graphics for the last couple hours, I'm lucky to still have a keyboard lol
