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Photo resolution for poster


Hi.I am Jesica and I am new here.I want to create a poster A3 but the photo I have for poster isn't high resolution and of course the result is not the desired.Can I do some tric in photo for better result?I apreciate any help.:confused:
Yeah alter your camera settings and re take the photo, Photoshop works well but does need some help when it comes to high res requests.
I do not know the photo, but with some you can increase the resolution and then apply some filters, which change it so they use the higher resolution. Of course it will be for example looking like oil painting and not photo, as I said it depends what is on the photo and why you want a poster from it.
That you say it's good idea, I would like to have a clear photo and not only paint,but I know that I ll should be flexible.I ll try the best result with filters.Thank you very much.
How are you today?Can anyone tell me what is the idesl resolution for web if I have a large file?For example 2500X2000 in photoshop and in illustration.I appreciate your help:)
