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Photo Makeover - Fashion Model


Well-Known Member
Here is the pic of the fashion model. The photo on the left is my alteration and you can see that the right side of her face is flat. Also I need to work on her chin which is alittle too dainty for her new weight. I dont know of a good way to make that side of the face recede. I've tried the airbrush tool but that didn't work even after fooling with the opacity and with blend modes. You all must know what to do. Is there a way of using a layer mask with a gradient to do the trick? I don't know much about layer masks, but a friend of mine who is more advanced in Photoshop said layer masks are all you need, that you don't need to use channels. He said layer masks are used in real time. What did he mean by that? Am I asking too many questions? I don't see anyone else using up so much verbal space in here.
One more question. Hope it's not too dumb, but I used the save for web and it compressed the file within your guidelines of 150 kb. How do I make it smaller?
I had a quick go at something...you would need to spend more time on it then I, but I think you should use the pen tool to define her left cheek a little more, then use path as selection and feather it by 1 or 2 px, then use clone stamp to paint over the skin with surrounding black inside the selection.

I airbrushed black at a flow of 10 to get some form of shadow in cheeks, again more time would be needed to cap it off.

Just my take, hope it helps some.

She very hot btw lol. %}
That looks better Stick diesel

That is smart. I used the pen tool and then painted the path . That didn't work. I think that's the ticket. I did'nt mean for the image to be so large but it shows off the image's problems. I didn't realize I overdid the median filter so much
Try the Clone tool on a new layer. Then when it's all been done up, you can simply merge the cloned layer down onto the original... or not. ;)
Ferlin, I had to resize the images; 600 pixels wide is the max on our board ;)

Nice work though :}

So do I resize the image to 600 px max and then compress the file Jpeg or save for web? When I got info on the image it was around 150 kb - whatever that is - and when it came up on the board it was embarrsasingly large. Sorry, I am new to interacting on the internet.
Ferlin [confused]
Yes Ferlin, resize you image to 600px wide max and everything should be ok.
Use Save for web, and save with Jpeg (in general) with quality between 60-70 :)

I don't get it. Do you duplicate the layer and then make the selection and clone into it. You have to clone on the same layer, right? Even if I make the selection with the pen and paths and clone into the selection and go command -j and that puts the clone on a new layer - My base layer remains altered by the clone tool. What am I missing here? [confused]
Ferlin, I think it's better to quote Mark instead of mentioning Mark's name in the subject line, because a lot of people will not notice this, at least that's my experience.
It's also easier for others to understand what the conversation is all about if you 'quote' and there will also be no need to scroll up and down.
Trust me, most of us already forget after one day what exactly we wrote.
Btw, some of us tend to write names in bold letters, but that's a our personal preference.

I'm just giving some tips, nothing else. I was just a little confused when I read your last reply, that's all ;)

Ok, I won't bother you anymore, after all we come here for Photoshop :D
Thanks Gaussian
I hate to ask you this but how do I quote? I see it used all through these forums and see the button. Could you point me towards some instructions so you don't have to waste your time explaining it to me. Thanks.
No problem. if you want to quote someone's post, then you just have to click on the 'Quote' button underneath his/her post.
Look at the attachment; I clicked on the Quote button underneath your post and that's what I get on my screen.
Normally you start typing your reply after the tag: [/quote].
But sometimes you only want to quote a small part. In that case you delete everything between the two quote tags that you don't need.
Important to know is that a quote always

starts with:
nickname said:
and ends with:

In this example, the nickname is "Ferlin".
Make sure that you keep these tags intact and nothing can go wrong.
If something does go wrong, no problem, you can edit your post and correct it or I do it for you and explain to you what went wrong; no big deal ;)

I also want to mention the preview button, visible when you edit a post; very helpful.

Btw, you can make a text bold by selecting the text and clicking on the bold 'B' . That also works for italic, underline, font colour, size, etc.

If you want to experiment, go ahead. Don't be afraid to make a mess; I'll clean it up for you if you don't know how to do it yourself :)
Hows this :)

I used the airbrush on a new layer to bring the hair in closer to remove some of the cheek.On the other side of the face I copied an area {including the highlights} to a new layer after making a selection with the lasoo tool,edit copy >edit paste,then nudged te new piece using the move tool over the old cheek.Next I cleaned up with the airbrush :)

It still needs a lot more airbrushing to create some modelling,but I think its a bit better.

Nice work and techniques, stickdiesel & kiwi! :righton:
easy . clicking by the quote botton. you can also eddit the original information to quote a small part. In that case you delete everything between the two quote tags that you don't need. and add your own comment
