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Photo colour level repairing help needed....


hey people, this is my very first post here...so please help me out, I desperately need it :P...Well I recently took some photos of me and my mates from my digital camera, and the photos are somewhat not right...they have very strong colours...

have a look at these 2 pictures, which are very similar:

Picture with good colours:

Picture with bad colours:

The positioning of everything is more or less the same in both the pictures...So I was wondering if I can somehow 'map' the colours from the good pictures, to the other one ? Is that possible ?

Thanx in advance
THis one be rellay hard to fix, at least don't expect ecellent result.

The problem is that your blue channel is pretty much destroyed (see attachment) and no magic tool will fix that, what is lost is lost.
A good way to improve this shot is to use data from the green channel to rebuild the blue channel, but don't expect wonders.
This is a quick example what should be possible ( I used the calulculations tool and a global color correction). If I would have more time I would be able to improve it even more.

The advantage is that you have a reference photo, so one could take this really far and correct several sections seperately to get some good results if one has enough time and patience. ;)
WOW DUDE !! You totally ar a *PhOtOsHoP gUrU*....how did you improve it so much ?!? Thanx a gzillion times man...please just tell me exactly how to did it (maybe make a video tutorial if you have time)..then i can try it with the rest of the pictures...

thanx again man..u rule at PS :righton:
Gaussian, please reply dude...I am waiting to know the secret on how you brought that photo back to life :)...If you could just tell me how you did it, I can try to do it on other photos that also need similar repairs..

desperately waiting for ur reply..
