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pen tool problem...


New Member
hello there, im really new to this forum, i just have this one problem that has been bugging me for the last couple of hours... i made a shape using the pen tool but when press "fill path with foreground color" (black) , it fills everthing but the shape. how do i fix it so it fills in the path shape? any help would be greatly appreciated
Depends on the way the path was built, it could simply be an error with the shape itself... in lieu of that give one of these a try and see if it helps:

- Create a new color adjustment layer and use the shape as a vector mask.
- Use the path selection tool to copy and paste the path itself into the mask of a shape layer.
- Make a selection from the path and use that to fill an empty layer. If the selection is outside the shape just invert the selection and fill.

Welcome to PSG.
Welcome 8))

mega_devastation said:
it fills everthing but the shape. how do i fix it so it fills in the path shape?

Make sure that you have Shape Layers selected in the option bar (screenshot 1).
You can't fill paths like you do with a selection. Paths can only be "filled" when they're attached to a Solid Color adjustment layer (screenshot 2), which is what the option Shape Layers will do for you automatically when you start drawing the path. If you've already drawn the path without the option tunred on, then just create a Solid Color adjustment layer as shown in screenshot 2 and the path will be attached to it.
ah thank you, although it didn't directly solve the problem, i didn't know there were options when i right-clicked with the path selection tool, it filled it up when i clicked on "fill sub-path" but i think the underlying problem was that i was using the "path" option on the pen tool when i should have been using the "shape layer" option (i think) in any case, thank you for such speedy feedback, its my first time using paths, you guys have a wonderful forum here :D

(heh you posted while i was typing, Gaussian)
You're welcome. Btw, I edited my post, added at the end how to convert an existing path into one with the solid color. ;)
A shape layer is simply a solid color fill layer with a path as a vector mask. So it's easier to create a shape layer often, but you haven't wasted your work if you already have a complex path built, it can be converted into a shape as I mentioned earlier.

Paths are a daunting thing to start working with, lots of places to go awry.
