I'm not sure if i posted these before, I've lost track of what i have and haven't posted.
it was in January when i took these i think and i thought it was high time to get out of autofocus and see if my hand was any good when it came to getting that delicate turn just right.
Hopefully it looks okay.
i've seen the benefits of outdoor light when it comes to shutter speed, there is a HUGE boost. compared to what i get indoors.

Along with the pearl web, i found a rusty padlock quite interesting to look at too, so why not?

I Also tried out Lens reversal for a good while, however i was worried that my sensor would freeze or what have you because it was REALLY cold. negative double digits.
this is the result i got on some frost on the washing line, i was pretty impressed with what lens reversal can do, i'll have to work on it and administer some composition in there as well.

Hop you enjoy looking at them, comments are welcome.
I know my compositional skill is still in lack, but i am improving and trying to remember compositional techniques better now. the only ones where i ignored rule of thirds was with the lens reversal, the camera saw things from different angles than i did, and it either missed or put too much of it in. i'll try to work around that.
it was in January when i took these i think and i thought it was high time to get out of autofocus and see if my hand was any good when it came to getting that delicate turn just right.
Hopefully it looks okay.
i've seen the benefits of outdoor light when it comes to shutter speed, there is a HUGE boost. compared to what i get indoors.

Along with the pearl web, i found a rusty padlock quite interesting to look at too, so why not?

I Also tried out Lens reversal for a good while, however i was worried that my sensor would freeze or what have you because it was REALLY cold. negative double digits.
this is the result i got on some frost on the washing line, i was pretty impressed with what lens reversal can do, i'll have to work on it and administer some composition in there as well.

Hop you enjoy looking at them, comments are welcome.
I know my compositional skill is still in lack, but i am improving and trying to remember compositional techniques better now. the only ones where i ignored rule of thirds was with the lens reversal, the camera saw things from different angles than i did, and it either missed or put too much of it in. i'll try to work around that.