I have two photos which are of roughly the same scene but taken under slightly different lighting conditions.
I'll use a MS Word analogy to try and explain what I'm after - in Word, I can select some text and copy it. I can then move within Word to a completely different document and select Paste Special and just paste the format of the text. The result will be that I have different text but in the exact same size/font/colour. What I'm trying to achieve is some way of sampling the exposure settings (eyedropper?) of picture 1 and then pasting these settings back into picture 2 so that the green of the grass and the blue of the sky are similar in both.
Hope this helps and thanks!
I'll use a MS Word analogy to try and explain what I'm after - in Word, I can select some text and copy it. I can then move within Word to a completely different document and select Paste Special and just paste the format of the text. The result will be that I have different text but in the exact same size/font/colour. What I'm trying to achieve is some way of sampling the exposure settings (eyedropper?) of picture 1 and then pasting these settings back into picture 2 so that the green of the grass and the blue of the sky are similar in both.
Hope this helps and thanks!