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Painting room with PS7


New Member
hello, noob question:
I'm using PS7 and not in the industry, just casual user.
We're are in the process of painting our house/rooms and I was wondering if there is an easy way of painting our rooms with the colors we have choosen.
I have an Epson 2580 Photoscanner to scan the color swatches.
I don't know the process of painting the room with PS7.
How do I go about with my work area, like setting pixels/inch.
I mean I can copy the color using the eyedropper and use current color, but it overwhelmes the color of the wall.
Should I just take a picture of the entire room like this:
or should I just take a portion, like the kitchen cabinet + the wall we intend to paint, so we can see how the color we've choosen matches the kitchen cabinet.
I hope I'm making sense.
Advance appreciation to any replies.:cheers
Hi! welcome to PsG!

For the resolution, of your files don't scan too high if all you intend to do is a mockup to evaluate how it will look.
200 or 300ppi should be enough.

I recommend creating selections (search online, for masking and selections tutorials) then use a hue/saturation adjustment layer. You can get the color values and apply them.

Feel free to ask for more questions, or further explanations!
