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page curl?


Active Member
I been trying this page curl tutorial, I run into problem with step where it says open the Path palette, make work path from selection icon, when I do I get a black circle with a black slash. what am I doing wrong. thanks terp
terp said:
I been trying this page curl tutorial, I run into problem with step where it says open the Path palette, make work path from selection icon, when I do I get a black circle with a black slash. what am I doing wrong. thanks terp

Hi Terp. I didn't write any of the tutorials, so could you tell me precisely where you're stuck.
Now open the Paths palette.
At the bottom of the palette, click on the "Make Work path from Selection" icon ( the circle with the handles on it ). This should change your selection into a rectangular path.
when I click on the circle with the handles I get a black circle with a black slash, I guess it is locked. I tried to unlock nothing happens. I followed instructions exactly. thanks terp
I just was checking your previous posts to find out which version of Photoshop you're using, but it turns out you're using Photoshop Elements:


Like I aready explained in that thread, none of the tutorials are written for Photoshop Elements.

When people on the internet talk about Photoshop, they mean in almost all cases Photoshop and not Photoshop Elements, those are two different programs (already told you that in the past). They look similar, but do a lot of things differently, reason why most Photoshop tutorials will create confusion for Elements users.
Also be aware that few Photoshop users actually used Elements, which also makes it difficult for them to explain to you how to achieve similar results in Elements.

To get answers on the internet you need to clearly state that you have Photoshop Elements or you just create confusion.

So the section "PS 4/5+ users, do the following:" (where you copied the text from) relates to Photoshop 5 (released almost 10 years ago) and not Photoshop Elements 5.
This is what the tutorial says:

"Now drag out a long rectangular shape -- like a normal piece of paper. Leave some space around the outer edges, so our background can still be seen a bit. Leave a bit more space than what you see in my header image at the top of the page.

Now open the Paths palette. Continue on with Step 2, below.

PS 4/5+ users, do the following:
Use the Rectangle selection tool to create a long rectangular shape -- like a normal piece of paper. Leave some space around the outer edges, so our background can still be seen a bit. Leave a bit more space than what you see in my header image at the top of the page.

Now open the Paths palette.
At the bottom of the palette, click on the "Make Work path from Selection" icon ( the circle with the handles on it ). This should change your selection into a rectangular path

You're stuck at the part in green, but you shouldn't do that part, because if you have CS2 then you should have done the section that starts with "PS 6 or newer users, do the following:", which ends with "Now open the Paths palette. Continue on with Step 2, below." (marked in red) and by doing that skipping the part in green.
Thankyou, Thankyou Gaussian, you the man, thanks. Now I have to practice the pen tool to create curve handles. again thanks Gaussian. terp
terp said:
Thankyou, Thankyou Gaussian, you the man, thanks.
Thanks, my pleasure Terp ;)

terp said:
Now I have to practice the pen tool to create curve handles. again thanks Gaussian.

For additional practice, check out this wonderful 5 page tutorial:


Even better, check out the many video tutorials for the pen tool on YouTube:


It's really important that you get the hang of the pen tool, it allows you to draw the most beautiful shapes or make razor sharp extractions. Even in 3D applications you often have to learn how to create splines (read paths). Also interesting to know is that the pen tool in Illustrator works pretty much pretty much the same as in Photoshop. Lots of beginners try to stay away from the pen tool, don't be one of them, you would limit yourself in the long run. The PSG page curl tutorial is a good example of how difficult it would be to do some things without knowing how to use the pen tool.
