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Brushes Organising Brushes in folders


Active Member
Ive been downloading lots of brushes and wondering if there is anyway to make new folders and organize them in a way I can find them easily... I am on CS3. Thanks
I have a pc so I use abr but that looks like a nice application. I am always looking through my brushes for just the right one thinking where is that one I probably have over 100 different brush styles.
I have spent many hours looking for a decent pc brush manager and yet to find 1 now I have all my brushes in nice organised folders so for example if I am doing portrait touch up I have a folder called portrait with sub folders for skin brushes, eye brushes, eye brow, eye lashes, lips, hair etc etc and just load the preset whenever I am working on that
My 100th Post so thought I would make it good with a pic I made
downlaod your brushes all to 1 folder I dont put them in the photoshop folder the folder can be anywhere mine is called brushes in my documents for example then in that folder i have sub folders i.e lights portraits splats etc etc then for the 1s with a lot of brushes ie portrait I have sub folders for eyes ets here is an example of 1 of my brush families
View attachment 4753

in each folder that contains brush sets I have a preview imago of all the brushes in that folder thanks to a piece of software called ABR Viewer which lets you preview all your brushes and save them as a set etc and install directly into photoshop
I then just load the brushes that I want and after finished my work for that project I just reset the brush tool that way I dont have to search through hundreds of brushes everytime I want a brush.

Photoshop just needs to know the location of the brush preset so you can store them on a usb pen if you like as long as it is plugged in when you use the app just point photoshop to the usb drive all my brushes are backed on 1
Wow I was hoping for a good way to get them all organized as well. I seem to have a brush addiction and they are not so easy to find when I need them. Hoogleman has the right idea....if only I was that organized!
trust me it is a lot easier to do as you download them rather than having them all downloaded and messed up. I do highly recomend ABR Viewer though because each set of brushes it lets you take a preview shot like the 1 in the brush tool of photoshop with seperate icons for each brush and then you can save that image for a reference in each folder
I had no clue that there were ABR viewers out there...thanks! I now have something that will help me at least see what the brushes are before I load them. Ill probably have to go through a few of the viewers to find the one that I like.
