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Optimal Files/Sizes to provide a Photo Printing Place


Hi folks!!

I have recently created a certificate for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for a racing simulation game for our league.

I went to produce it @ 8.5"x11" as i thought that was the required size. However, I believe it may be printed out at a different size. Right now when I click Image-Image Size it is reading:

Width - 11"
Height - 8"
Under document size

I also printed the image off on my printer and it came out undersized, border on top is 3/4", left side is 1/4" right size is 3/4" and bottom is 3/4" My image is produced on the above document size's and its perfectly centered but not on printing for a test, im not to worried if I can provide a larger photo they can resize at printing (see below)

What is my best bet for providing a good photo size in case it needs to be resized for the required printing my friend is doing

I see I can up the resolution from 150 to 300 and that dramatically increases the document size and it appears to make it better quality. Should I do that, and provide him the Larger resolution/sized photo and then the printing operator can resize the certificate to the appropriate size to fit the frame that will be used?

Thanks everyone!
hi chris, chris here

I'd would want to give you advise, but honestly, i dont realy understand what you are asking.
as far as i can read here, i think your printer dpi and your image viewer dpi are different

bascly, like your printer wants to fit 300 pixels in an inch, and you photo viewer only thinks there are 72 pixels in an inch
I should probably ask a different way, i think i confused myself last time lol!

Basically. I am going to be sending my files to my friend and he will be taking them to a photo printing place to print off and frame...

We are not sure on the size just yet, so that being the case, would it be my best bet to change my current image resoultion from 150 up to say 300 and send him that bigger more detailed image and he can take it to the photo place and they can resize as needed and print....

hopefully that is a bit more clear, thanks Chris!
well, you could just give him both files, and then the printing company will know which they can use best.
but generally just go for the better file quality, because:

1. the file is too big, they can just resize it without much quality loss.
2. if you send the small one, they need to resize it with more quality loss.
Increasing the dpi from 150 to 300 normally decreases quality for me. I make sure that everything I do starts at 300dpi just in case. Use your crop tool with the dimensions you need, set to 300dpi and see how it prints. Also make sure 'Borderless' printing is enabled in your printer options dialogue box. As Chris has said, making something small, Bigger loses quality. Making something Big, smaller retains quality to a point.

Also a Chris :lol:
Sounds good,

Ill give that a shot, Is it best for me from here on out to start my files with 300dpi each time or is there a better optimal to start each file at...right now they start at 72 or 150 i beleive it is
I always start at 300dpi just in case. There maybe a time in the future you want to print something and 300 is optimal.
ahh ok, It seems when i change my current image to 300dpi it looks better, i might send along both the original and the 300dpi images as stated above and im sure one will work for the printing
ya for sure, its just a fun thing we are doing for the top 3 in our league so its not a big deal, but i like things to be as good as I can get them for a rookie :)
