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Opening CS4 from Bridge


New Member
Hi all,
My first post here so I hope it's in the correct forum.

I'm having a problem opening CS4 from bridge. Right clicking a thumbnail in Bridge does NOT give me the option of opening the image in CS4,I have to open it in ACR and from there open it in CS4.

OS system is 32bit Vista,and I have tried the resetting thing already.Im sure it must be a preference setting somewhere I just have not been able to find it.


You're not saying what filetype you're trying to open, but you could try this:

In Bridge go to Edit > Preferences.
In panel Preferenses click File Type Associations.
Here you have to manually set preferens per filetype to what app you want it to open in.
Lots of filetypes but there you go...

Hope it helps!

--- dkj ---
