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Only a few filters installed in CS4


New Member
Hi, i hope someone can help. I am a relatively novice user, but not totally new. I have CS4, loaded from a disc, not downloaded. Mac, with 10.5.6 loaded, have greyed out filter gallery, and only a few filters available but more are there, but greyed out. anuy ideas?

Sounds like you have a "bit" of an issue (pardon the pun).

The creators of PS have not, as of yet, managed to get all filters to work with 16 and 32 bit projects. In order to get all the filtes to work, you need to be working in 8 bit mode. For web and basic projects, it shouldn't be an issue. However, if you are working in the photography industry, it can become an issue. Further investigation will be required on your part as I do not work in the photography field and all my stuff is 8 bit.
