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Old user with new CS4 upgrade


Active Member
I started with Photoshop 3, way back when (indeed, it was provided "free" with a scanner I purchased). Went to 5, then 7, then CS, and now just upgraded to CS4. I only do web stuff. Other than Adobe Reader, don't have any other Adobe products.

Joined the forum because I have a couple of problems (gosh, what a concept).

I'm glad CS4 plays nice with multi-monitor setups (I have a 19", a 22W", and a 19"; use the 22W" for the main CS4 window, and use the right 19" for the tool bar and other tool windows). CS worked well in that environment; however, I've discovered through the years that sometimes upgrades giveth, and sometimes they taketh away ...

Problems posted in appropriate forum.
Hey websquad I'm new here too. Do you do webdesign? I'm interested in the web work too, I hope we'll both learn about Ps in this forum!
Hello Mihai_alexandru,

I started doing web design in the early 90s after some government agency had just released an early browser for "public" consumption. The Internet was pretty crude back then. I think we had images, type sizes, bolding, italic ... basic stuff like that. But that's about all. No search engines yet.

I develop/maintain websites in my "retirement" years (the word "retirement" is a joke in my family) ... have about 16 (or so ... but who's counting) active sites with a few more under development. The largest one is for my church: we have over 1,000 pages on it. And there are a handful of small "brochure" sites. Everything is hand coded. And there are some in the middle. Thus far, I've not seen a WYSIWYG editor I like. I use WeBuilder to help accelerate the initial development process.

As far as Photoshop is concerned, I confess that I've used some of the same processes over and over again since Photoshop 3 ... I hope this upgrade to CS4 will break me out of the rut and steer me into some better practices.

No matter what you decided to do (hand code or use a WYSIWYG editor), learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS first ... and in that order. Even with a powerful editor or some Content Management System like Joomla, or even Wordpress, it helps to know the basics.

Good luck!!
dual monitor setup all depends on your graphics card, you want it to "extend" the monitor not duplicate it.
Multiple monitors

Last night I just found out that in addition to having the main PS window on my center monitor, and the tool bars, etc, on my right monitor, I see that with CS4 I can drag ANY windowed image anywhere I want on my desktop. Since I've set up everything to "extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor" that gives me a lot of flexibility. I could not do that with CS.

Hello Mihai_alexandru,

I started doing web design in the early 90s after some government agency had just released an early browser for "public" consumption. The Internet was pretty crude back then. I think we had images, type sizes, bolding, italic ... basic stuff like that. But that's about all. No search engines yet.

I develop/maintain websites in my "retirement" years (the word "retirement" is a joke in my family) ... have about 16 (or so ... but who's counting) active sites with a few more under development. The largest one is for my church: we have over 1,000 pages on it. And there are a handful of small "brochure" sites. Everything is hand coded. And there are some in the middle. Thus far, I've not seen a WYSIWYG editor I like. I use WeBuilder to help accelerate the initial development process.

As far as Photoshop is concerned, I confess that I've used some of the same processes over and over again since Photoshop 3 ... I hope this upgrade to CS4 will break me out of the rut and steer me into some better practices.

No matter what you decided to do (hand code or use a WYSIWYG editor), learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS first ... and in that order. Even with a powerful editor or some Content Management System like Joomla, or even Wordpress, it helps to know the basics.

Good luck!!

When I saw retirement I though you were like 50! lol!

I've got Dreamweaver CS4 and I'm currently taking a video tutorial on it. Don't know a thing about HTML or CSS but I saw that they explain basic coding stuff too in the tutorial! The tutorial is pretty easy to follow, but extremely long! It's called Dw One on One from Lynda.com.

I'm 16 and just started out, and I'd like to be a freelance webdesigner. :)

BTW, could you show me some of your sites? :)
BTW, could you show me some of your sites? :)
Here are a few:
Centenary United Methodist Church Home Page
Harpsichord by Zuckerman
The Lexington Singers
The Cathedral Concert Series

Hmm, vBulletin is an interesting forum package. I previewed my post. I had just entered the web addresses (the URL) and vBulletin went to the sites and snatched the "titles" from the HTML. Very interesting.

Since you are starting out, you should really find a forum for HTML coders. There are quite a few on the Internet. And there are a lot of HTML and CSS tutorials.

You're 16, eh? Well, that was 52 years ago for me. One of my grandfathers was a drummer boy in the Civil War. I'm basically an old guy. LOL.

And let's use "LOL" another way: Lots Of Luck ... you'll mostly make your luck. You gotta study this stuff to learn the basics, and then have to keep studying it to keep up, because it is always changing. It never stops as long as you are in the game.
Wow well you really are old then! xD

Good for you that you learned webdesign. Most of your age in my country (Romania) don't even know how to use a computer or they don't even own one. :)

I've been thinking of going to a high-school where you only have to take exams and don't attend classes and learn webdesign in that time. I'll have about 3 years to learn and afterwards I'd like to open my own webdesign firm. Do you have your own one?

BTW, since you're a webdesigner, what browser do you think is the best (the best meaning the highest speed mostly for me). I am a user of Firefox but I have noticed that Google Chrome is a lot faster (it doesn't take 45 sec on start-up!). I also have IE, Opera and Safari because since I'll be a webdesigner I'll need to test my sites in all important browsers. :) Are there any other important browsers? I saw that Netscape is extinct now.
I am retired and live on a pension. So I do not need to charge for what I do. Indeed, I wish I could take on more work, but "my plate is full" -- can't take on any more clients. I really don't have a "firm" ... it is more of a "hobby" -- at least, as far as the income tax officials are concerned.

And congratulations on your use of English. I would have never thought that you were not a native of an English speaking country.

I also use Firefox, but I keep a number of other browsers ready when required to check a new design template for compatibility. Strangely enough, I notice that I still get some visitors to my sites that use Netscape.

Good luck to you!
Thanks a bunch on the English part. :) I guess it's because I spend a lot of time on the web and the time I spend it I is in the English language. But didn't you get suspicious when you saw mihai_alexandru as my name? :D

I have officially converted to Google Chrome now. :) It's better in many areas as I see it.

Oh, BTW, I also have my own website: www.cfronline.ro. It's a fansite for the Romanian football champions CFR Cluj (they also played in this season's Champions League).

I'm "in charge" of the visual part, the coding is done by an other admin.

I hope we'll both learn Ps in this forum and enjoy our time here. :)

Edit: BTW I'd like to send you a PM but I can't. What's wrong?
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Brass air fittings

Now that is a lot of brass air fittings utor[/url] there is just about every type
of air fitting that you could want. Wholesale prices too. I guess these could be used as small water pipe fitting also. I
used some of the parts to make my babington wvo burner.
