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Old photog learns new tricks


New Member
Hello. This seems like an excellent forum, and I'm happy to be here.

I've been a photographer most of my working life, starting in the 1970s. Most of this has been in the news business, a few years in TV and more in newspapers. I worked mostly in small-to-medium size papers, so I had also to learn news writing and page design and layout.

I learned Photoshop in the early 90s, when it was simpler. In the version I learned on, for instance, they didn't yet even have layers. Consequently, haven't learned about all the developments since then, and I'm doing a lot of things the old-fashioned hard way, so I bought CS5 and determined to learn it properly, using forums such as this, and Adobe tutorials.
:confused:Everything was obsolete at the newspaper where I began using Photoshop, including their version of Photoshop. I do have a question, which I'll post in its own topic. I appreciate your help.
