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Old dog


Hi, I'm an old dog needing to learn some new tricks. I'm self-taught in Photoshop 7 (though I never did learn about masks and a few other things) and now I'm trying to learn the CS5 version. I just mess around with it for fun, and I do freebie favors in photo editing for family and friends. I do have a particular question but I'll take that to a different thread.
Nice to meet everyone!
Hi old dog. I do know what you mean. It is easy to just schlep around in Photoshop for years without learning all its capabilities and your own (my own). This is a good place to be. Lots of tutorials and gurus to steer you! You'll learn just by reading other people's posts. Welcome and enjoy!
G'day mate, enjoy your stay here.
We all bounce of each other here - it works because i knew nothing when i first came here now i know probably all the basics and about 25% of the real programs worth.
Still plenty to learn and don't forget we all forget things sometimes, and it's nice to have another member bump you back on track.
Thanks so much, guys! And by "guys" I mean "gals" too, as I am one ;)

Yes, I've been content to use what I know but lately, for a lot of different reasons, I'm craving the idea of actually becoming proficient. I've already learned just by being here, and I'll post my results when I'm finished!

So glad to be in such great company!
