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Humor Oh, the huge manatee


New Member
Hi All,

I'm seeking a meme image. I'd like a mammal-machine blend of a manatee/dugong/sea-cow grafted onto the Hindenburg disaster... As shown below, but more realistic.

I don't mind which images you choose but they should be "free use" and remain obvious that it is the Hindenburg at Lakehurst and a manatee. Wikipedia's "Hindenburg Disaster" page has a higher resolution "public domain" image. The final result only needs to be "meme sized"; but if you want to go to more effort and create a mouse mat or T-Shirt sized image then let me know where I can buy one.

The text "Oh, the huge manatee" can be added in a suitable meme font, probably lower down so as not to overlay the fireball.

I hope this pun amuses someone enough to make a compelling blend.


Here's a try. If you prefer a different font (or different colors), please send me a sample of what you have in mind.

Here's a try. If you prefer a different font (or different colors), please send me a sample of what you have in mind.

Ha! That fits the brief. You even kept the mooring line to the nose of the manatee... This sea-cow almost needs a nose ring. :)

I first saw your response on a mobile device and found the text a bit hard to read at that resolution. All-capitals was the correct choice for a meme - and I do like the colored text over the b&w - but maybe a clearer font without the yellow backing please? Or maybe just a larger point size as I can see why you chose this font - the unstready character alignment immitates the wavering delivery of the original radio commentary.

Lastly, I know I asked for a mammal-machine blend but seeing it now it looks like the Hindenburg with an animal head, when it needs to be a "HUGE MANATEE". So would you also be able to smooth out the frame lines so the body becomes more manitee and less derigable airship?

Thanks for your work Rich54. I hope you appreciate a little dark humour... and puns. Hopefully it's not "too soon". :)

Last night I finished this in B&W and it bothered me. I decided to approach it from a different angle and be more whimsical. The cloud of burning hydrogen looked like a giant alien sea anemone to me I didn't change the basic structure of the cloud at all, just colorized it and the manatee lightly... for good or ill.


I used a new manatee—a stunt double—that shows more of his body. Here it is with three different fonts. I personally like the yellow font on a black & white image, but the color is easily changed.

Thank you both. I see what ex_teacher means - when it's all-manatee it is a more disturbing image: barbequed sea-cow! But it does better fit the pun.

I was looking for some meme font/text guidance and found the "Typical internet meme image format.svg" file on Wikimedia Commons. It's bottom text most closely matches Rich54's middle font style (Manatee2.png) and most represents the "meme font" to me. It's also readable down to 240x240 image size - but I do love the higher resolution detail provided by ex-teacher.

Could I ask ex_teacher to enlarge the font size again please in the proportions of the Wikimedia Commons file? Or just make it BOLD type if that makes it bigger? The white characters with a black border seem quite readable on the dark image, so I don't think color is needed now.

Thanks again, bcs.
I'm embarrassed to say I didn't get the Meme until someone told me. And I'm familiar with that broadcast too. <SIGH>
1. So here is the B&W with new white lettering
2. A variant of this in square format (it seems most memes are square.)
3. And an unsolicited variation. This manatee has color!


Hindenburg_disaster_6_B&W square.jpg

Excellent. This is better than what I didn't quite have in mind. Thank you for going through a few iterations of design for me.

Yes, this relies on you knowing the famous line from Herbert Morrison's radio recording - "Oh, the humanity" - made famous by the newsreel footage of the disaster.

I think this meme is ready to to be released to the Internet. There it goes and... It's burst into flame, and it's falling! It's crashing! Watch it! Watch it, folks! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Oh the HUGE MANATEE!

