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Noob on a path to pro


New Member
I'm a Photoshop noob with intentions of becoming proficient enough to find work in the field of graphics and design. Any advice on the best courses or tutorial sites to start with would be appreciated. Wouldn't mind finding a structured path such as a video course or something, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to start out or not.
Hi and welcome to PSG. While I'm certain there are some structured courses out there that can take you from the ground floor up, there are many great tutorial sites. You must start with the basics!

Here is a structured course at Adobe TV.

Start at Photoshop basics and work your way to the end.


I'm certain that other members will also have some great suggestions. Good luck!

Here are some other great sites for you to take a look at:


Planet Photoshop


Photoshop Essentials

Tuts Plus

Photoshop Tutorials

Iceflow Studios (Howard Pensky)

PSD Vault


Photoshop Cafe
Hi spaceman, welcome to the forum. I hope you find the learning and support you need here. That is what we are all about. It's a constant learning curve and great fun along the way. No matter how much we know, there's always something else.

I won't add to the above links. That's a lot of investigating. Just bring your questions and findings and examples of your work here to share and you'll fit right in.
